"Vorschlag" (proposal) - "DKiG" - Suiter

"Vorschlag" (proposal) of "Leutnant der Reserve" Erwin Suiter who served as "Pionier -Zugführer" within Gren.Rgt.186 of the 73.Inf.Div.

Suiter was recommended for the "DKiG" by his regimental commander "Oberstleutnant" van Kranenbrock

"Generalmajor" and divisional commander Franz Schlieper (DKiG 10-1-1944 ,RK 21-9-1944)

"General der Infanterie" Martin Garies (DKiG 18-10-1941 ,RK 29-11-1943)

"General der Panzertruppe und Oberbefehlshaber der 3.Armee" Hasso von Mannteufel (RK 31-12-1941 ,EL 23-11-1943 ,Schw. 22-2-1944 ,Brill.18-2-1945)!!!!!!

Great "Ostfront" related "Vorschlag" (proposal) with great signatures!!

Code: 56292

775.00 EUR